Tuesday, February 10, 2009

At Anchor & Arrival in Benin

dropping anchor

fishermen at sea


putting down the gangway

the flag of Benin

Well, the view outside our cabin windows has changed again. This morning we arrived in Benin and are now docked in Cotonou! It was planned that we would arrive yesterday, but engine trouble required that we spend the night at anchor off the coast in order for the problems to be resolved before making our approach into the port. This meant very long hours for some in engineering yesterday and into the night and was very taxing on our captain as well. It's my understanding that very few on board the ship slept well last night anyways because of the rolling of the ship at anchor. We spent a fairly substantial part of the night trying to corral things that had started sliding off tables and counter tops! And every few seconds as the ship rolled we would hear some glasses or other items in the cupboards clank together. Sadly, we arrived today to much less fanfare than that which was planned for us yesterday, but, with much prayer, we made it here safely and we are thankful.


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