Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Greeting's from Texas!

Well, here we are! John and I have gotten settled into our home away from home and began classes today to prepare us for life and service with Mercy Ships. We've hit the ground running and we're not looking back!

We are living in the family dorm on the campus of the IOC in Garden Valley, Texas. We have wonderful house mates, too. But there is one fellow who has a tendency to be a bit dodgy! (You know who you are!) We played NERTS and speed scrabble tonight before some went to the racquet ball court to play wally-ball. No, that is not a misspelling of volleyball. Wally-ball is played like volleyball but you can bounce the ball off the sides of the racquet ball court walls. If the ball hits the ceiling, it's out. It very good exercise and lots of fun.

Our new friend, Sam, has encouraged me to blog more frequently and I agree that I should. I'll try, but I can't make any promises!

Until next time...


Renee' said...

Hi Jenny! My name is Renee' and I have enjoyed reading your blog. My husband and I are hoping to serve with Mercy Ships when he retires from the USAF in 3 years, so I am very interested in reading your adventures as a family going to live on the ship!

The Rollands said...
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Samuel Slennett, said...

Hi there jenny and john :D

im gald that you are enjoying life here in texas!

Im sorry that there is a "dodgEy" character around, i cant say that ive come across this feller as of yet, but if i do, i shall give him a stren telling off :D

natalie said...

he is definitely a bit dodgy!=)
i'm looking forward to getting to know you guys a bit better over the next few weeks. can you believe we're down to three weeks (and that it has only been one week?!?!?!)