On Thursday night we had a special thanksgiving community meeting and it was all about ,well thanks , and I certantly have something I am thankful for! Just recently the ship has installed a bascetball hoop on deck eight. So just today we perchested a bascetball for five dollars and eighty five cents , and with so many people playing with it and we had not played with it for twenty minutes and it hit the back board of the hoop and BLOOP into the water it went! I had no hope and I thought it was gone forever cause some fisherman would come and find it and keep it for himself. I rushed down to the dock to see if I could save it , I waited until the ball came into veiw , then I was sure there was no hope. Then a man from a nearby boat dove into the icky water and grabbed the ball , he was going to keep it for himself , until mommy yelled -"it's her ball can you give it back?" And sometimes people want money for good deeds - he did. So we went back to our cabin , wrapped a few nougats and a 2000 cefa bill in a plastic bag and gave it to him , and he smiled so I got my ball back! and that is what i'm thankful for! It was a complete mirical until he said he wanted to marry me!