Sunday, March 8, 2009

What's Normal?

So, here's a question....How much time must elapse before you can say "That's normal"? I was thinking about that yesterday. I've heard that if you do something for two weeks straight, you've established a habit. But, is that the same as saying that what you are doing is normal?

The past two weeks for me have been "back to business as usual" in that we have begun surgeries and a work day is from 07:30 to 17:00. Our surgery schedule hasn't necessarily filled those hours, but there are other chores that must be done as well to make sure the surgeries can take place. This means that during the week I can only manage to work, eat dinner with the family (lately in the cabin for a little quietude and communication) and then John and I begin to move the kids in the direction of bed. I think our friends feel a little neglected, but I hope they understand that we are trying to sort out "normal".

Saturday I realized that I had not been outside of the ship's walls (or bulkheads?) for 10 days! Not even to go out onto the outer decks! So, the kids and I took ourselves up to deck 8 twice yesterday to play and get fresh air. Mind you, it's very warm air, but there was a great breeze!

I'll let you know when we figure out normal. Who knows? Maybe there's no such thing! It could be just a figment of our imagination.



Tyrone said...

Believe me, normal is overrated. And boring from time to time.

But on the other hand, sometimes boring is good for a short while when working on Mercy Ships, gives time for reflection or meditation on Christ.

On another note, do the guys still have 'fight night'(counter-strike or call of duty}

Anonymous said...

Hey Rolland's
I heard "normal" is only a cycle on the washing machine. LOL