Saturday, September 20, 2008

Oh Baby!

In the early morning of the 17th, a baby was born to the mother of one of the patients on board the Africa Mercy! I was given the priviledge of photographing the baby as this was a newsworthy event. The mother has been here with her son as he is being treated and apparently her time to be delivered arrived! It is not common practice for babies to be born on board as this is a surgical hospital ship, but it just so happened that one of the ward nurses also has had training as a midwife, so she was honored with catching the baby right there in the ward. You just never know what may happen here (Sarah F.)! The little baby girl is doing well as I understand and sleeps in a laundry basket converted into a bassinet. The patient son is having to share his hospital bed with mom and baby sister and adjust to the attention of mom being shifted away from him. We hope he will do well with all of this.


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